Trail Running
Fatigue and Recovery after Single-Stage versus Multistage Ultramarathon Running
Aspects of respiratory muscle fatigue in a mountain ultramarathon race
L'avancée de la recherche scientifique s'appuie sur la diffusion des découvertes réalisées par les chercheurs au sein de revues scientifiques spécialisées à portée internationale.
La recherche scientifique repose sur la publication des résultats issus des travaux des chercheurs dans des journaux scientifiques internationaux spécialisés. Pour être publiés dans ces journaux, les travaux et résultats proposés par les chercheurs sont expertisés et seuls ceux présentant une qualité suffisante sont retenus. Ainsi, les publications scientifiques sont à la fois une reconnaissance de la qualité du travail des chercheurs et un gage de qualité pour les lecteurs. Ces journaux scientifiques spécialisés présentent les études des chercheurs sous un format relativement standardisé et parfois peu accessible au grand public. Un effort de vulgarisation est alors nécessaire pour rendre les principaux enseignements de ces publications scientifiques compréhensibles et attractifs pour le grand public. Nous présentons ici les principales publications scientifiques issues de nos travaux, illustrant leur qualité et reconnaissance internationale.
MEDEX 2015: Prophylactic Effects of Positive Expiratory Pressure in Trekkers at Very High Altitude
Positive expiratory pressure improves arterial and cerebral oxygenation in acute normobaric and hypobaric hypoxia
Positive expiratory pressure improves oxygenation in healthy subjects exposed to hypoxia
Hypoxic high-intensity interval training in individuals with overweight and obesity
Cardiovascular and metabolic responses to passive hypoxic conditioning in overweight and mildly obese individuals
Hypoxic Exercise Training to Improve Exercise Capacity in Obese Individuals
Physiological responses to hypoxic constant-load and high-intensity interval exercise sessions in healthy subjects
Blood viscosity and its determinants in the highest city in the world
Reevaluation of excessive erythrocytosis in diagnosing chronic mountain sickness in men from the world's highest city
Excessive Erythrocytosis and Chronic Mountain Sickness in Dwellers of the Highest City in the World
Hemostasis in highlanders with excessive erythrocytosis at 5100 m: Preliminary data from the highest city of the world
High-Altitude Environment and COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity in the Highest City in the World
Excessive Erythrocytosis and Chronic Mountain Sickness in the Highest City in the World: A Longitudinal Study
Nocturnal hypoxemia, blood pressure, vascular status and chronic mountain sickness in the highest city in the world
Cardiac remodelling in the highest city in the world: effects of altitude and chronic mountain sickness
The human blood transcriptome exhibits time-of-day-dependent response to hypoxia: Lessons from the highest city in the world
MEDEX 2015: Prophylactic Effects of Positive Expiratory Pressure in Trekkers at Very High Altitude
Medex 2015: The key role of cardiac mechanics to maintain biventricular function at high altitude
Positional Changes in Arterial Oxygen Saturation and End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide at High Altitude: Medex 2015
Cerebral perturbations during exercise in hypoxia - PubMed (
Time-dependent effect of acute hypoxia on corticospinal excitability in healthy humans - PubMed (
The effect of hypoxemia and exercise on acute mountain sickness symptoms - PubMed (
Tissue deoxygenation kinetics induced by prolonged hypoxic exposure in healthy humans at rest - PubMed (
Cerebral volumetric changes induced by prolonged hypoxic exposure and whole-body exercise - PubMed (
CO2 Clamping, Peripheral and Central Fatigue during Hypoxic Knee Extensions in Men - PubMed (
Neuromuscular Fatigue during Prolonged Exercise in Hypoxia - PubMed (
Time course of asymptomatic interstitial pulmonary oedema at high altitude - PubMed (
Changes in cerebral blood flow and vasoreactivity to CO2 measured by arterial spin labeling after 6days at 4350m - PubMed (
Cerebral hemodynamic and ventilatory responses to hypoxia, hypercapnia, and hypocapnia during 5 days at 4,350 m - PubMed (
Positive expiratory pressure improves oxygenation in healthy subjects exposed to hypoxia - PubMed (
Heart mechanics at high altitude: 6 days on the top of Europe - PubMed (
Cognitive functions and cerebral oxygenation changes during acute and prolonged hypoxic exposure - PubMed (
Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Brain Adaptations to 6 Days at 4350 m - PubMed (
Effects of high-altitude exposure on supraspinal fatigue and corticospinal excitability and inhibition - PubMed (
Cerebral haemodynamics and oxygenation during whole-body exercise over 5 days at high altitude - PubMed (